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Extradition / Surrender
The Netherlands regularly arrests persons at the request of foreign judicial authorities. These may be persons trying to evade justice, or convicts who have yet to serve their sentences (and fail to report, or have escaped).
The transfer of persons by one country to another (for the purpose of trial or execution of sentence) is called ‘extradition’.
The transfer of persons by and to countries within the European Union – on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant – is called ‘surrender’. The surrender procedure is simpler and faster than the extradition procedure.
Our lawyers have handled many such cases and have practical and scientific knowledge of this complex matter.
Extradition by the Netherlands is only possible if the Netherlands is linked to the State seeking extradition by an extradition treaty.
Within the European Union, ‘surrender’ is done on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant (EAW).
Dutch nationals can also be extradited or surrendered by the Netherlands.
Never agree to a ‘accelerated proceedings’ without first consulting a specialised lawyer!
A court’s decisions on the admissibility of ‘extradition’ can only be appealed to the Supreme Court (cassation).
There is no appeal against the ‘surrender’ decision.
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